Useful info

Covid protocol

Food, Grocery and General stores

Super U in Vernoil, well stocked supermarket close to our holiday house (500m)
Intermarché in Noyant (12kms)
Super U in Longué (12 kms)
Hyper U in Bourgueil (15kms)

Baker shop

200m from the Old School, opened all days of the week (except on Wenesday), from 7AM to 1 PM and 3 to 7 PM, 4 to 7PM on Saturday, closed on Sunday, frequently opend on the morning of Bank holidays. Delicious pastry

Closed for summer holidays from August 11th to September 2nd 2024


Café du Centre – Central Coffee shop

Tobacco bar, post office, stamps, receipt of parcels, sells some postcards, some vegetables live farmer, goat cheese on Wednesday morning, secondhand book deposit
150 meters from the house, in the main street, open every day except Wednesday afternoon and Sunday.


Tuesday morning Bourgueil 15kms
Wenesday morning Vernantes 2kms
Thursday afternoon Parçay les pins 9kms
Friday morning Noyant 12 kms
Saturday afternoon Gizeux 10kms (2nd saturday of the month)
Sunday morning Allonnes 10km

Pizzas truck

Pizzas on wooden fire  Fred 0671483884
On Tuesday and Saturday evenings place de la mairie à Vernantes 2kms
Sunday evenings in Parçay les pins 9kms

Pizzas and Fouées cooked over a wood fire
Beyl la pizza
Monday night 5PM to 10PM
Town Hall Square in Vernantes
You can order by phone, specifying the time of your passage in 06 76 14 72 95, and choose the pizza on the flyer
or by ordering the pizza of the month that you can see on facebook beyl the pizza

To order empty fouées (by 5 or by 10 pc) call before 6PM au 06 76 14 72 95

On holidays from July 23th to August 21st

Oyster truck

Sunday morning from 8am to 12.45pm, from September to Easter, a Vendée oyster farmer sells freshly harvested oysters, clams and periwinkles at Vernantes church square.

Water sports and swimming pools

Swimming Pool Brain sur Allonnes 10 kms open on afternoons
Nautic base of Lake of Hommes (20 kms)
Pool in Avoine (25kms)
Nautic base and pool of Millocheau island, Saumur (25kms)
Pool in Longué -Jumelles 15kms